Thursday, July 21, 2011


This week has been insane with 'intensives' (which are also in January, it's when public schools get out for one month and the parents just send their kids to more English private classes so we get slammed with 7 or 8 (or 10) extra classes in a week). But also next week we have Tuesday-Friday off, which makes that the longest break we have all year. So I some stuff planned, no trips to far away places but museums, baseball games, and other touristy stuff.

I'm not saying that I'm King Updates here, but I'm just saying I am going to be relaxing and enjoying my break with hopefully minimal concerns and maximum activities so there might be some radio silence. I probably won't even watch every Padres game, which is a drastic change of pace but that's what vacations are for!

Will be taking pictures along the way of course! Talk soon, take care everyone.

1 comment:

  1. have a wonderful time on your break!!!! wish you were here with us though :(
