Friday, September 9, 2011


We merged two kinder classes the other day because one class had been whittled down to only two kids. The merger is good because that's less classes for everyone all around to teach but a negative though is that when you teach a class with just two kids (one boy, one girl) you can be a lot more relaxed in your manner with the kids and they are relaxed and it makes teaching them, controlling them, and having fun a lot easier.

For example one day we calmly and comically talked about teeth for about 10 minutes. They are both six years old and they are losing teeth left and right. Something I've noticed is that in 6-year-old world, losing a tooth is big news and they always run up to everyone and pull down their lip like I'm supposed to be astounded at the wondrous events unfolding in their mouth. I never know what to say either so I just say, "good job!" like they accomplished something. I remember I lost my first tooth at a (most likely atrocious early 90's) Padres game while I was eating popcorn and I thought it was a seed and swallowed it, because swallowing popcorn seeds is also a cool idea. I'm sure the next day I was showing everyone too. Ah, rambling, sorry:

Below is the reason why I took these pictures -- Jade's lost four teeth recently, and they are the front four teeth. Missing your front four teeth must be so rough I honestly don't know how she eats food!

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