So in the last five or so weeks what's been up? Nuthin... you?
Well let's just scroll though the pics stored on the ol' phone:
I went to a baseball game.
I saw a flock of geese on a small river in a big city
I started a four week, five class Korean Cultural History course on Tuesdays. The class is mainly about the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910 (yeah, it's 1910, I don't care what you say wikipedia)).
In the first class we made soap. In the first picture is a view from the palace where the class was held.
Through friends of friends I went to a FREE (and open bar) jazz show to commemorate the first night of the of a conference on the performing arts in central Europe. Polish jazz quartet featured...experimental vocal Czech 'plunderfunk' DJs, NOT featured.
I took a trip to a palace with my culture class. Below is the main audience hall for the place for welcoming guests. Below that is in the king's personal (massive) garden. That is the portion where the king would harvest his own rice to 'gain an understanding of the life of a farmer':
I went to an international food festival that was so jam packed I left before tasting anything. But there was this guy just hanging out.
At the next Korean class we made traditional fans and took the weekly tour:
I went on a hike right as the leaves on the trees started to change:
The 6th grade had a successful 'Market Day' with cut outs from magazines. Each group brought in their own merchandise for their store and were given money to spend and make change:
For the third culture class we made (and ate obviously) bi-beam-bop:
Not tryin to brag too much but this is where I jog to in my neighborhood.
For the final culture class we dressed up in traditional royal robes. Sorry about the goof stare but its the only pic I have so far! King Crazy Eyes.
Next came Halloween! I dressed as John Travolta from Face/Off. The kids had more standard approaches:
The next week all us teachers went on a hike together after school at this trail 10 min walk from school. 4k later we found ourselves looking over all the northern parts of the city. Was awesome!
After I finished the Korean culture course I asked and was accepted to volunteer with the program as a staff member. Which is good fun, but it also means that I got to swing by that palace again! Fourth time's the charm eh? The first time I went it was raining, second time was winter, third was shown above, and fourth the leaves were crazy red colors and stuff which gave it a cool spin:
After school one day myself and a few other teachers recorded 'listening tests', and we recorded it at this place! An in house broadcasting studio
AND LASTLY! I had an 'open class' with five or so other head teachers and the principle and VP were there as well. The lesson was phone conversations. My CT and I stacked the lesson with a couple games. Below is a warm up activity where the students filed out a card ahead of time with their fake name and phone number and then I'd call them with a 'banana phone' and we'd have a short conversation. These were my favorites:
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