Friday and Saturday were pretty mellow, met some new people, cooked A LOT of Mexican food, and enjoyed the weekend.
But Sunday night myself and a few friends went to LOTTE WORLD!
It's amazing because they price it staggered on what time you go -- before 4pm $40 ($40!?), after 4 its like $30 and then after 7 (so from 7 to 11pm) it's only $15.5!!
So after I woofed down a left overs omelet for dinner I headed down about 40 minutes south to Lotte World. Side fact Lotte is this just MASSIVE corporation in Korea that owns department stores, grocery stores, apartment complexes, a baseball team, and one of the biggest fast food chains. I think that this complex of shopping, hotels, an ice rink, and an amusement park is just their version of presenting to Korea:"Yeah, we're a big deal."
There were two parts -- this huge indoor complex. This had rides here and there, a stage and shops and stuff.
Then you walk out on to this outside portion and there's the majestic kingdom with the roller coaster rides.
Those two above are you standard issue rides and they were really fun actually. There was also a roller coaster that was pretty simple only the just tripled the speed so that made it entertaining. We missed the bumper cards closing by a few minutes which was sad. But below was a ride that for me was the highlight. That is the infamous Gyro Drop. It goes up, and then it shoots down. That's it but I am not great with heights. Pretty terrible actually.
When we walked outside people pointed out this ride and I muttered to myself "Not in a million years." Well everyone over heard that and obviously that was the first one everyone demanded we go on. And I did it. I didn't say much, or dare to look down. Or hold my hands out or anything fancy like that. But I ignored my fears for about 2 minutes and 37 seconds and that a good way to start (...I think having people around that would shamelessly ridicule your fears for the next 9 months might be the best way to conquer any fear. Just sayin.).
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