Friday, August 5, 2011


Thursday was the last day of classes for the month and so my co-teacher told me to just have fun in class. Deal. I noticed that the book we use in one class is sort of terrible, as some books are, and there are pages of stickers with no real clear place to put them. So as a last day activity I gave some steps for to make for my kids to follow:

1. Peel off stickers

2. Apply stickers to make Stick Monster.


One of the best things about kids though is that after they were done creating the Sticker Monster and laughing, I conducted the rest of the class with the stickers on my face and they didn't really bat an eye.

Then my boss walked by and looked into the classroom and saw me teaching and looking ridicilous. Here is Sam 'The Main Event' doing his impression of my boss's face at that moment:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God, you look like a patient at a hospital where they tape you with a bunch of circle pads and try to figure out what's wrong with you...LOL
