Friday, June 17, 2011


Sup blog!

Elephant in the room, I've been ignoring you. It's not you, it's def society's fault! Anyway been pretty low-key the last little while, but I have some time tonight so I'll just fill you in on what's been up at work lately!

Work has been pretty routine, well for me. First off this week was 'Open Classes' which is where each of the five homerooms give one class and the parents come in to watch. I don't have a homeroom so I was saved from the mayhem. The Open Classes are 20 min per teacher but it's a huge deal that requires weeks of prep for the teachers and a lot of added stress for them because apparently the parents enrollment decision could largely be based of off what they see. Teacher use elaborate props, costumes, iPads, basically pull out all the stops. I think it's sort of awful because it (has to be right?) is so painfully obvious that the teachers are going all out and that there is no possible way that we could give that much effort into every class (the 6 year olds will gladly inform their parents that '______ Teacher's class is usually boring but today it was so fun!' So why the circus?? Just how it goes.

Now that I've updated all those dying to know the inner workings of a small private Korean Kindergarten let's get to some pics yeah!? Here's what's been in my phone/camera last little bit:

Every Wednesday I come in early and help out with morning snack time. That day they were eating some strange spongy break muffin. 

Oh also on Wednesday (it's a long, long day) I do the library during lunch. This was taken on Thursday during lunch, but on Wednesday all the students finish their lunch then pile into this library -- wait, man this is bad picture, the wall on the left is STACK full of books -- with red bags and check out five books each week. I 'help them' or just keep them on task. 

Okay these last two I didn't take, but they were up on one of the walls and I thought they were cute. Top is Aiden (bossin out in the bow tie) and Melody (4 years old) during a birthday party, and bottom is Michelle who is 6 making rice balls. 

Lastly, this is what I did with my one-on-one class. She's 13 and has a VERY high reading ability, so we finished early and we made this out of the stickers I give to the little kids as rewards. That's GD which stands for G-Dragon, a singer in the outlandishly popular K-pop band Big Bang. She has GD written on her pencil case and backpack and stuff. AH, to be 13.

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