Monday, May 2, 2011

MOSEYING SUNDAY part 2, Wherein Matt Can't Find A Massive Lake at a Place Called Lake Park

Hey again, blog

Back to the sojourn. I headed out of the gallery in search of those basketball hoops I had originally set out to find. The gallery/opera house/library is set on outskirts of Lake Park, the biggest man-made lake and park in the whole country. I have looked it up on Google Earth and the lake looks huge.

So I walked around to a side of the park where on G.Earth looked like there was athletic facilities. I didn't see any hoops, just trees and a big hill inside the park where I saw people walking. So I said 'Why don't I just walk over to this trail and check out the lake and then maybe I can see the basketball courts." I hoofed on up to this top of the hill and all I saw when I looked deeper into the park was more hills and all I saw below was some sort of concert. So I walked down the other side and the concert was roped off so I  decided to go up this OTHER hill on the south side of the concert to get to the like. That hill was huge, and beyond it? Another hill, no lake. I was wearing some lop top sneakers that were getting muddy and jeans and I was slipping and tripping and all of these retired people (retired people here are probably the single most in-shape people as a whole I've ever seen, all the trails and gyms are full of them) were blazing past me decked out in power hiking get-ups.

I climbed the third and final hill and guess what I saw! MORE HILLS and a wooden deck with exercise equipment that all the retired people were working out on. Still no lake, only trees and hills. I was sorta of huffin and puffin and so I did what any rational, full (7/8ths worth) blooded American would do and swore a little bit and went back down the hill I came from to go to the mall.

I took this pic before the last hill with the retirement gym-ercise. That's the non-hypothetical-lake side of the park looking back over to the mall.  

 Also while I was roaming I saw a couple about my age in matching Nikes. I took a pic and giggled to myself thinking how grateful I was that it was not a trend. Not thirty feet later I saw the outrageous sight in the next pic. Outrageous, probably be a deal breaker for me.

Below is a picture of some street food at a kiosk at the mall. These food carts are all over the place buy I've never felt the absolute need (thanks to those hills and CostCo's mammoth size) to have one of the foods before. This was $2.50 and it was delicious.  

I don't know exactly what was going on, but in both Hwajeong and Ilsan there was like a May festival at the public squares.

I saw dance groups, bands, magicians, and these guys - some 'streetball' performers. In the first picture the streetball player is in red, and he's about to attempt something basketball fans refer to as 'break ankles'. You can tell in the second picture he was successful.

That's the end of my Sunday. Was good. This upcoming week should be interesting. A new schedule at school really unbalanced where my T+TH are awesome and my MW are sort of horrific. But this week is only a THREE DAY WEEK because of two days off for 'Children's Day"! No complaints. Talk soon.

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