My hardrive crashed on my labtop two days ago! A.k.a, $%@#!! I was in the middle of writing a long post about the weekend, but that was sacrificed to the computer gods apparently. I'm on the computers at school now and there is no spell check so I'm sorry in advance. Anyway I'm taking it in tomorrow and if all goes well I'll be up and running again in the next 10 days. If not, then not.
Work has been crazy the last two days. Some may recall how Janurary was special "Intensive" classes. Well those are done and now it's normal classes in the mornings and different classes in the afternoons. Gettin a new schedule down is sorta chaos but the new classes included two or three classes a day with pre-school aged childern. I had one class with four year olds who are easy enough to work with and are keen on silly faces so I'm good there. I had one class today however with three year-olds and it was their first day of English school. One boy took advantage of the situation and decided to peel any pictures or drawings taped to the walls, and one girl cried the second she looked at me.
But I feel that I handle them pretty well actually so the day has been great! Sometimes all the mothers will stay IN the room with the kids and the other teachers find that off-putting to say the least. Oh and did i mention- I don't start work until 1:35pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Beautiful thing huh?
Speaking of the bright side. I've joked about the Mothers of students before, but a fantastic attribute of the Mothers is that they are frequent contributors to the sugar in take of the teachers. Exhibit A:
That's cheesecake-crusted brownies with nuts and also assorted cheesecakes from Kevin's Pies. The note on top of the brownies read something like "My daughter has only been here one day but she had a lot of fun thank you!" Usually the Mothers will bring in Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts, but at least once and sometimes three or four times a week we are benefactors of the very-generous-sugared-out-brush-your-teeth-five-times-a-day-makes-you-more-hyper-than-the-kids-but-too-delicious-to-say-no ways of the mothers.
I have to get to grading before my last class at 7. Oh but for this five days off coming up for the Lunar New Years, us 4 male foreign teachers + 2 of theif girlfriends are packing up and traveling a couple hours to a vaccation rental out in the woods north-east of Seoul. I don't have the link or exact location and if I get it I'll post, but it looks like a great house with ice fishing and sledding close by. I'll be there Thursday and Friday nights and then come back Saturday. Will post pictures as well!
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